Brown Scapular Question (2)

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I was reading the Brown Scapular catechism and it states that all those who wear the scapular should practice Carmelite spirituality. What does that mean, exactly? Say, for example, if someone is discerning a call to become a Franciscan or Dominican, should they stop wearing the Brown Scapular, since they’re not becoming a Carmelite?

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No. It does not mean that. Franciscans and Dominicans do wear the Carmelite scapular…although, particularly Dominicans, will point out that their own scapular, which is white, was given to their Order by the Blessed Virgin through Blessed Reginald of Orleans.

The scapular catechism was wanting to emphasize several important points.
  • The Carmelite scapular, ideally, should not be separated from its Carmelite identity, which is essential to understanding what this sacramental actually is.
  • The Carmelite scapular should not be viewed as though it were a cloth medal, existing in a vacuum.
  • Many people are drawn to the Carmelite scapular because of the promises associated with it. But those promises are predicated on living a relationship with the Mother of Jesus that undertaking the wearing of the scapular is a visible sign of and presupposes. A guide to such a relationship is outlined in Carmelite practices and spirituality.
  • It must never be forgotten that the Carmelite scapular is, in its essence, a miniature version of the Carmelite habit and the wearing of it is a privilege extended by the Carmelite Orders – the Ancient Observance as well as the Teresian reform. To wear it is to say that you are part – in a very extended sense – of the Carmelite family. Being part of a family means you are, as it were, both a giver and a taker. You receive from the family you belong to but also contribute to it and there is a mutually enriching relationship. To wear the Carmelite scapular without any thought or reference to the Carmelites would be rather a hollowed out practice.
A succinct expression of Carmel by Carmelites is:

"As Carmelites We live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through prayer, through fraternity, and through service ( diakonia). These three fundamental elements of the charism are not distinct and unrelated values, but closely interwoven.

"All of these we live under the protection, inspiration and guidance of Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whom we honor as “our Mother and sister.”

A helpful explanation and reading list of articles on various Carmelite topics can be found out: Carmelite Spirituality - The Carmelite Charism
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