Is it a sin to be involved with a Non Catholic online Fellowship?

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New member
I am a Roman Catholic who attends Mass regularly and love the Catholic Church.

Just wondering, is it a sin to take part in an online Fellowship with a Non Catholic group such as ‘The Church of the Almighty God’?

Thank you

I can’t recommend it, unless you are very well-catechized and can refute Protestant errors easily. In most such groups, there would be people who seek to convert you.

Catholics should really stick with Catholic online groups.
Sin is a transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.

It isn’t a sin.

It’s also a little like walking along a cliff edge. What if someone who is credible to you leads you off the edge?

If you feel strong in your knowledge and understanding of catholic apologetics, go ahead and evangelize! If not, be sure to examine all the claims you hear there and ensure that you are not being lead astray.
“IF” you decide to participate, be aware that you cannot compromise on Christ and that you are called to be a beacon of light and hope to other Christians. And “IF” you do participate, you will encounter fierce opposition - which will test your faith, but should strengthen it.

To obey the commands of Christ, you must be willing to shake the dust from your sandals on the way out. If that seems harsh, Christ commanded it.

All of this should be preceded by prayer and holy hours.
“IF” you decide to participate, be aware that you cannot compromise on Christ and that you are called to be a beacon of light and hope to other Christians. And “IF” you do participate, you will encounter fierce opposition - which will test your faith, but should strengthen it.

To obey the commands of Christ, you must be willing to shake the dust from your sandals on the way out. If that seems harsh, Christ commanded it.
At the end of the day, they’re still material heretics. Vast portions of Catholic truth are unknown to them. As inspiring as it is to hear, for instance, the esteemed Rev Franklin Graham speak so compellingly of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, still, the utter omission of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist should leave any Catholic thinking that there is something missing from his message.

Let’s not fall into the trap of thinking that the only truly important Christian doctrines are the ones that we all have in common. Protestants are lacking many things that they sorely need. If you’re involved in a group where you may not speak of the Real Presence, of Our Lady, or of the historical papacy, that may not be the best place for you to be.
Well of course they are unknowing heretics. They believe they have the truth. So did the Samaritans. We can go relativistic and ignore them, but we will answer for that. I think you read too much into my words. “IF” is a HUGE qualifier.
This group is not Christian, holds very heretical positions, why would you want to hang out there??

They believe a woman is the reincarnated Christ, they deny the Trinity among other things
My only point, and I may have been too oblique about it, was that listening to these people — who often know the Bible better than their Catholic counterparts (which might not be saying much) — could lead the Catholic to question his or her faith, and to think “hey, maybe these people are right, all the Catholic stuff is just man-made tradition that isn’t part of the Christian message”. And it’s only human nature to want to seek things in common, and to want to avoid the things than could place separation or even enmity between us and them. But sometimes the demands of truth make that unavoidable.
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