Pavone/Marshall, renew their hearts O Lord

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I’ve had this lament a few times lately. That is, how much I held Dr Taylor Marshall in high regard in the 2000’s. He was a breath of fresh air for Catholic onliners. A convert from the Anglican Church but with an inspired and I believe God given charism for the Catholic Church. I regularly referenced and quoted him in Catholic forums when addressing different wayward extreme views.

Well it was the same with Fr Pavone. He seemed blessed with a charism for the unborn, setting up ministries to help women and families facing difficult times with pregnancy or having taken the sad step of having had an abortion. He started out so well, seemingly anointed for such a vocation.

What has happened to these people? Fr Pavone seemed to imply that the Church was lying about sending him his notice of laicization only to then turn around and say something akin to ‘perhaps the dog ate the letter’. I think if I was on death row and needed an advocate I would not choose a ‘prolife’ person such as Pavone. A person you can guess would make your deathly fate more certain than advocate for your dignity. Unborn babies likewise, might be concerned for such advocacy.

Today I would never reference or quote these once good advocates. They have seemingly sold their souls to what?.. money, clicks, fame, the devil?

My prayer to God is… bring them back, Lord. Don’t let them waste themselves on these secular ‘treasures’ they have fallen for. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
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